Welcome to our new website! Unfortunately due to a loss of member David Fill we were unable to recover the previous site in which he did a splendid job on. Our new website address is www.renclubnt.org, save this page and you may delete the link of the old address. The most important address is:
252 Vandervoort Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120
By visiting the there often you are able see what's going on at your club. Above is the current month's newsletter or as it has been called since 1975 our Giornale Piccolo. Take a look at the page "Giornale Piccolo" and you'll see not only our first Piccolo back in 1975 but some of the history where the club came from and who was involved over the years for newer members. We will be celebrating our 50th year next year. Sadly, we have lost many founding fathers from those early years but there are still a few around that remember the hard work and sacrifices that were made in our first few years. That's not to diminish the dedication that all of you have made which contributed to the lasting legacy of being an organization that is about to celebrate their 50th year. We'll be adding more to this site as we go along and we'll be using our new Facebook page being updated by member Michele Moran as well as this site to keep you all informed. If any of you have anything you would like to see here, take it to the club in an envelope marked "for the website" to the attention of Michele Moran or to Keith Miranto.
You can also send anything to the club email address which is renclubmembership@gmail.com
252 Vandervoort Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120
By visiting the there often you are able see what's going on at your club. Above is the current month's newsletter or as it has been called since 1975 our Giornale Piccolo. Take a look at the page "Giornale Piccolo" and you'll see not only our first Piccolo back in 1975 but some of the history where the club came from and who was involved over the years for newer members. We will be celebrating our 50th year next year. Sadly, we have lost many founding fathers from those early years but there are still a few around that remember the hard work and sacrifices that were made in our first few years. That's not to diminish the dedication that all of you have made which contributed to the lasting legacy of being an organization that is about to celebrate their 50th year. We'll be adding more to this site as we go along and we'll be using our new Facebook page being updated by member Michele Moran as well as this site to keep you all informed. If any of you have anything you would like to see here, take it to the club in an envelope marked "for the website" to the attention of Michele Moran or to Keith Miranto.
You can also send anything to the club email address which is renclubmembership@gmail.com
Below is a downloadable GENERAL membership application.
Volleyball Application can be found under Current Events next to our volleyball flyer.
The membership dues are $35 annually; $25 if you are age 62 or older as well as retired. Stop down to the club! Our current hours are:
Fall / Winter Hours as of September 30th, 2024
Monday - 5pm - 11pm
Tuesday - 5pm - 11pm
Wednesday - 5pm - 11pm
Thursday - 5pm - 11 pm
Friday - 5 pm - 11 pm
Saturday - 5pm - 11 pm
Sunday - (Opened Only during Buffalo Bills & Events)
Volleyball Application can be found under Current Events next to our volleyball flyer.
The membership dues are $35 annually; $25 if you are age 62 or older as well as retired. Stop down to the club! Our current hours are:
Fall / Winter Hours as of September 30th, 2024
Monday - 5pm - 11pm
Tuesday - 5pm - 11pm
Wednesday - 5pm - 11pm
Thursday - 5pm - 11 pm
Friday - 5 pm - 11 pm
Saturday - 5pm - 11 pm
Sunday - (Opened Only during Buffalo Bills & Events)
Interested in joining the Renaissance Club you can download the application by clicking the link to the right -------------------------->
Join our Facebook Page - Renaissance Club of North Tonawanda or Scan the QR Code above (Open your smartphone camera, hover over the pixilated image and a link will pop up to take your directly over to the Facebook Page)